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Australian Democracy Secondary Course

Now offered free of charge!  Click Here

Hello and welcome to the Public Policy in the 21st Century (PP21C) course.

I wrote this course because I want to empower citizens to regain their citizenship – to get back their active participation in the decisions that affect them and their children. I have met so many intelligent and thoughtful people who want to make a difference but don’t know where to start. If you want to make a difference this course will teach you how.

By reaching back, it explains where our social values, political system and institutions have come from.

By reaching forward it clearly explains the major international and social trends that underlie current events.

By looking at what happens now, PP2IC gives an insider view of how government actually works, rather than the academic view taught elsewhere. It then clearly explains how you can influence public policy making at different levels.

What will I Learn?

The PP2IC courses and associated materials will teach you:

  • where our values come from and what has shaped our institutions
  • what freedoms and rights you do and don’t have
  • how the bureaucracy works
  • how parliament works
  • what goes on in the minds of politicians
  • how mass social movements work
  • how to research and understand any issue
  • how to lobby and organise effectively
  • how to make sense of things like terrorism and organised crime
  • what the major underlying conflicts are in society and how they play out
  • what is happening in the international scene and why it matters

You will find two courses for enrolment. One examines the real origins of the Westminster democratic system that began in England, was exported throughout the Commonwealth, and inspired democracy in the United States. It explains:

  • how the system works in practice
  • how to work with it
  • how mass social movements work within a democratic system
  • how unseen influences shape policy
  • and the major global trends that are placing stress on Western democracies today.

The first course uses Australia as an example of Western democracy in a Commonwealth country.

The second course gives you the tools and essential information to understand international relations. It looks specifically at the power struggle taking place between the United States, China, and Russia. It specifically considers the use of propaganda and hybrid warfare.

In addition there are free lessons and materials on this site that:

  • consider what is and is not ‘fake news’
  • examine subversion and propaganda in more detail
  • consider how logical reasoning fallacies are used to promote ideas
  • briefly consider a number of policy areas including climate change

You are invited to view the material on this site for the purposes of private study. Note however that the lesson content is copyright and all rights are reserved.

You will also find free extensive additional reading materials and references. These are open source and are not copyright or original to this course. However copyright is asserted in the presentation i.e. no screen shots for commercial purposes.

What Will it Cost?

Based on feedback from our client base 3P Training has made a principled decision to keep the price accessible for community organisations and individuals. For that reason the price is slashed to $35 for the ‘Australian Democracy’ Senior Secondary course, $87 for the ‘Our Democracy’ citizenship upgrade course and $35 for the International course.


However, as a special pre-election offer, the ‘Australian Democracy’ Senior Secondary course is now FREE until the end of May 2022, and the ‘Our Democracy’ citizenship upgrade course is now slashed to $35 also until the end of May 2022.

About Me

I was active in the wilderness preservation movement from the age of 17 and spent 10 years in the Green movement in Australia. During that time I helped form a political party, ran for State Parliament, and spent too long at university – B.A. then Honours in environmental studies and some public policy studies at Masters level, followed by a Graduate Certificate in Ministry (Biblical studies), plus I threw in a Cert IV in Government Investigations for work.

I became disillusioned with what I saw as the increasingly controlling, extreme and intolerant positions taken by the radical Left and their adoption within the mainstream. In our political culture the triumph of narrative over facts and reason, is now almost total. This realisation led to a transition from activist to writer and educator. My mission is to teach the intellectual skills to help people understand and influence public policy in a positive way.

I have spent nearly 25 years working in Government mostly in policy roles. That has included the Department of Premier and Cabinet policy unit, and the Federal Environment Department (DSEWPAC). Among other topics I have researched and lobbied extensively on Defence issues, working closely with independent think tank Air Power Australia. In short – I have sat on both sides of the desk and been involved in every part of the policy cycle.

When not at work I live with my wife and three children on two acres where I look after a cottage orchard and think about stuff.

I write a semi regular blog on topical issues here: www.insightpolicy.blogspot.com.au

Seminars and Training

This website is owned by 3P Training which is a registered  business (ABN 70922965968).

3P Training can tailor and deliver seminars in a three hour (half day) module, and six hour (one day) module, or a 12 hour (two day) module which includes additional time for discussion.

The cost for a half day module is by negotiation. The cost for 3P Training delivered to churches and charities is also negotiable.

The cost schedule for industry associations and commercial bodies for one and two day seminars is as follows:

One Day Two Day
$80.00 per person. Minimum eight people. $120.00 per person. Minimum eight people. Cost may be reduced if venue is supplied.

For inquiries email: 3p@3ptraining.com.au or fill our Contact Form